We are all famous..

2013-01-31 19.09.10

View from my bedroom window

It’s an unusual afternoon today here in my room. The sky is overcast, clouds refuse the sun’s hot though brilliant rays from touching Bahraini ground. I sit here on my chair facing the laptop’s screen, thinking and carefully conjuring a plausible explanation to why we are all famous.

Alright, the definition of famous according to the dictionary :

” Adjective : Famous [ fey – mus ] – Widely known and esteemed “

Now, famous according to this generation.

” Adjective : Famous [ fey-mus ] – Very well known and pried upon. “

Well I can agree we are all not the new famous but the old famous. But we are famous to the extent that we don’t know it. If you disagree then at least agree that we are all well known.

 Why? Well try to widen your horizons. This post itself for example. Let’s look at it from they eyes of a reader ( which is you ) – You’ll suspect that it’s just another post by Ivan and read it or not. But you mentioned my name so that makes me known. And if you read it, you read my own work thus making me known. You could either think about the post all day and tell someone about it or not, but you made me known.

[ credits to leadingmenonly.com ]

That’s in the point of view of one person. Let’s jump on to other perspectives. Let’s take myself for an example – I’m thinking right now what dad is thinking about, he could think about me or other things but the thought of him was there thus making him known. What about other bloggers? Do they like my work? And other more questions that lead to me. If you really think about it, other people are thinking about you no matter it be one or two. We are all known.

Like right now, I’m thinking about a friend of mine though he/she doesn’t know it. It makes him/her known. What are the chances that I’m the only one contemplating on them? That wouldn’t be unlikely. So I guess we are all famous. It’s just that we don’t know it. At this moment someone is thinking about someone and that someone would also think about another. What if all thoughts of the earth were visible and combined. It would definitely form a similar structure to the brain and the internet.

( credits to mordecaiinc.tumblr.com ) #Vmob turns out to mean Vampire Mob, but you get the message.

We are all famous. So the bottom line, Whatever you do – you become known whether you do it elusively or not. Which also leads to the most  common way of making an impact ” is to change yourself ” – since yourself leads to thoughts to others, doing good and being inspired will most of the time do the same to others, same thing the other way around. If all people somehow realize this – I’m sure the world would be a better place. End.

 Thanks for reading guys! Hope you guys have a happy weekend!

[ What are your thoughts on “unknown fame”? Comment below! ]

I broke my brother’s glasses…. now I feel guilty.


youtube-logo (Photo credit: www_ukberri_net)

Ian ( my brother ) and I decided to spend some time on Youtube before going to bed, just to relax ourselves. He sat on a folding chair beside me while I on another taking control over the laptop. It was going good so far, Youtube loaded, a few tabs were closed and the internet was extremely fast. We watched a few funny videos, some about cute babies and the others about eating challenges. We watched a dude eat a big mac in one bite which I thought to be very impressive, he had a very big mouth though. I kept at it for a while just clicking whatever Youtube suggested while Ian kept his eyes on it.

Among the suggestions was a music video. It had no clip but a picture of KSIolajidebt, a youtuber, over laying the song “Get Hyper” by Droideka.

Okay the song was not just a song. It was a Club type of song. The ones that had subtle beginnings transitioning into a huge pumping bass beat that gets the listener pumped up as the song goes.

So it started, a synthesizer was played looping a similar beat for a few seconds. Then a “noise” kind of rhythm entered alternating between low and high frequencies. Half a minute into the song these sounds were “muted” but you could hear it which lasted for a while. Imagine a blurred picture, that’s the basic feel to it. An english rapper started saying things, he ended his rhyme with a “GET HYPER” then an “explosion”.

Keep calm and get hyper

A combination of the first beat mixed with an undulating bass beat followed resulting in Ian and I jumping on our chairs. The chairs gave off a cracking sound but didn’t give, though that didn’t stop us. We continued. Ian and I were grinning while we pulled off our own hand gestures. I had my arms wiggling up and down, and Ian had his hands on a looping “stop there” motion. Basically, we got hyper.

But then I swung my arms around. Why did I have to turn around?! Oh why…

I turned around with my arms still wiggling below my head. On the turn my wiggling hand found its place on my brother’s eye. The poke pommeled him so hard that he went sprawling on to my bed. When Ian fell, his glasses went with him then *snap* – I didn’t actually hear a *snap* sound, but I’m sure there was, so… just imagine.

Ian recovered and took his place again on his seat and realized his glasses were gone. We found and picked up the broken pieces and fixed it back together. The hanger snapped off but was easily replaceable onto the hinges but it fell off a few times.

As expected he got angry and we argued for awhile. I kept telling him it was an accident which he believed so but still justified the fact that his glasses are now crappy whether it were an accident or not it’s still crappy. It’s my third time already obliterating the same glasses and the first two breaks were major just like this one. Since it happened yesterday and Dad doesn’t know about it yet, I pray that it still may be saved.

Three times! Would you believe that?! The worst fact is that I did it all unintentionally. Either Ian’s glasses don’t like me or I’m really that unlucky. Mom’s now mad at me for being so careless even though it was a complete mistake. I’m not sure what Dad would say but I’m sure he’d say even worse. What really makes me guilty though is that, why should it always be my brother? I mean, I usually get the “cool” stuff and when he has his own why the flagnog does it have to all end up in pieces?! I feel so unworthy with what I have because of it.

I’ve promised myself after yesterday that when I get my own job and make my own money, I’d buy him the most indestructible glasses ever in the world! May it fall from the tallest building or get smashed on by an elephant – never shall it break, nothing would.

Never shall it break! End.

Here’s the song that started all of it! It’s great!

“You are what your friends are.”

Words to keep in mind.

I’ve been told by my parents a lot of times already “choose your friends!” “Don’t hang out with that boy, he’s a bad influence!” “Don’t get a girlfriend!” and I’m sure all these comes down to one thing, you are what your friends are.

Alright first thing, I don’t really have a lot of friends, which I’m happy about because I got to develop my own independent style, not like others who follow the streams of what’s on and what’s accepted in their small circle of friends. But I’ve seen many circumstances where people change to what others think about them. Which again comes to my point, you are what your friends are.

I have a friend who is a great example of this short phrase, I’m not naming him though because if I did, things may happen.

Alright, to give a clear “image” let’s name him Jhon Doe. A name used for people who are basically unknown, commonly used by investigators who can’t figure out the victim or the suspect ( at least that’s what I know )

My High School friends, you can see me wearing that green shirt.

Okay, Jhon Doe has his friends, he’s been a friend of mine and I could I say, I know who he is, wait, let me rephrase that – who he WAS.

The frequency of our hang outs lessened by the days and was completely obliterated when I left for Philippines. His friends I knew, for they were my friends too, more like acquaintances, and were all Facebook popular so I at least knew the basics about them.

A few months after I came back, I kept my profile low and notified only the closest, of my arrival. I met up with Jhon Doe and I could say, damn, what has happened?

He’s become like his friends. He adapted to their vanity, indulgence in cockiness, and a wee bit overconfident, but I could see he was holding back. I do hope he realizes that. Oh yah, if ever you read this and you’re my friend and a male, don’t suspect you are “Jhon Doe” but let’s say you were, don’t worry – we’re cool!

Just be yourself.

Just be yourself.

So that’s an example and a big one. And it really is evident that you are what your friends are, and they too are what their friends are and if you are a friend of them? It’s best if you keep a good image of yourself. Not only do you keep yourself clean but also those around you.

I’ve caught myself sometimes too before, trying to “fit” in, but that was long long back. I’ve come to the conclusion that it would be healthier for the world to fit into me rather than my own self taking it on. It’s a big world we live on, containing a huge populace of 7 billion +, and there’s no point of being someone else – that’s cheap.

So I’m trying to say, though you could be what your friends are, you will always have control over how much they influence you or in simpler words their amount of control over you. Give yourself some slack and set yourself free, free from the imaginary manacles of society and be YOU. 

Though I’ve already made a point I’d also want to mention the things my parents said. Well…. I didn’t listen to most of them, yah yah, I’m a bad kid but it wasn’t because of rebellion or hate – I don’t hate my parents – it was about the curiosity. I sometimes rue the times where my curiosity would just kill me and take over but that’s what happened. And from the things I’ve seen and done because of this thing you called “curiosity” I could say you definitely are what your friends are, gladly I saved myself earlier enough from the sad phenomena.

One last thing, since it’s an avoidable biological, social effect – I’d like to say, CHOOSE your friends wisely. If you are wanting to be smart, hang out with smart people. Wanting to be better at a sport or anything else? Be with the kind of people who do well in those. And you’ll be fine. I can’t wait to make friends though, I still am in need of companions.

Oh yah, listen to your parents! ( In case you’re like me, still in the juvenile stages of life! It would work best if you do so. ) and Thanks for reading guys!


[A question] What do you really think about this? Are you truly what your friends are? Comment below and share your thoughts! 😀

My thoughts on “Assasin’s Apprentice” by Robin Hobb

Assassin’s Apprentice

I’ve been wanting to post a book review about this for a long time now, I just didn’t have the time for it back then so here’s what I’ve got in mind.

Assassin’s Apprentice. Another one of the epic fantasy books I’ve got, it’s the first one in the Farseer Trilogy and I’ve got all three. ( I’ve only read the first two and will be posting a review each on the last two soon. )

The book was written by Robin Hobb a pen name for Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden who used many other pseudonyms during her writing career, which is pretty cool. At my first look I mistook her for being a male, I mean no contempt! She’s an awesome writer!

The first book revolves around the young bastard son, FitzChivalry, of the suppose-to-be King-in-waiting, Prince Chivalry. In the Kingdom of Six Duchies, FitzChivalry is claimed by King Shrewd, lord of Buck and allows Fitz to be part of the Farseer line as it his rights as well. But as bastard he is, he becomes a tool of the King, not much of a grandson but a tool. Fitz becomes a secret assassin of the king and we watch him grow as one, we watch his training and everything that happens before becoming one, we watch him evolve from a mere boy to a killing machine.

English: Robin Hobb Français : Robin Hobb au f...

Robin Hobb (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alright so that’s the basic overview of what the story is, don’t worry about spoilers because there is none in it. Well what can I really say about this book? It’s amazing! I’ve never been really attached to a book before, I mean like really attached. Though the Game of Thrones would be first in my list, Assassin’s Apprentice is fit to contend.

Robin Hobb is really great in creating a solid realistic character as she did with Fitz. Since the book is somewhat like a diary, written in the first person (FitzChivalry’s perspective) you get to see what he feels and what he thinks, Robin Hobb did really great in writing him. You could really sense the realism as FitzChivalry tells us his story, I sometimes forget that this is a Fantasy book not a true story. And I myself have been moved by some of his glum moments, there is a relation between Fitz and the reader somehow that makes this book so good!

First edition cover image by John Howe

First edition cover image by John Howe

Even though, there were a few parts that I didn’t like about the book. Well that would be its pace. Sometimes I’d be caught in a scene and just keep flipping pages but then sometimes I’d put the book down just to give my eyes a bit of rest. Why so? There were a few parts that just went so slow!! Most of the reviewers I’ve seen said that the first half of the book is just boring and long, well I do agree with that 100%.

But to think of it, the superfluous information that made the book “boring” was essential to keep Fitz a full person. I mean, do you think that our lives would be interesting all the time? Well not all the time. These parts of the book somehow intertwined the latter awesome parts, it molded Fitz to what he would be in the future, boring or not – all were important. And this comes to another cool thing about the book is that things actually happen to Fitz for a reason.

Let’s have this example. Okay, let’s say I ate a cheese, but a reader would see that as a filler, something to keep the flow going in a chapter. Then later on, who would know that the cheese affected my digestion system and thwarted my productivity? So you can’t say that it’s just a filler, it happened and there’s a consequence. And that is how it works in the Assassin’s Apprentice.

If you’ve read the book though, you’d notice that a  few entries were written before each chapter about the history of the six duchies, the elderlings or anything pertinent to the book. That’s one thing I didn’t like too, though it didn’t really annoy me, it just contested my patience sometimes.

To read it or not? I say READ it! There’s no other book that would enrapture you and just feel sorry and happy during the time. A participation is there, a subtle relationship so elusive that you won’t even know it’s already been there after a touch of the book’s cover. The only thing that would stop you from reading it is your patience, if you find reading books containing 600+ pages hard to read well you’d never experience the awesomeness!

Thanks for reading my book review guys! Tell me what you thought about it 😀

My definition of Music and a little story

It’s 12:22 am here in Bahrain (a country in the middle east) and I can’t sleep. My brain is still awake (queer thing) and I’ve got this idea in mind that I need to put to life before tucking myself into bed.

Music guitar

Music guitar 

It’s about Music. Usually before going to bed every night, I’d hook my ears with earphones which itself is plugged into my phone and I’d listen to songs all night until I’d fall asleep. Though sometimes it fails to work, but when it doesn’t? The feeling is bliss.

To be frank when I was younger, around fourteen, Music never played a big part of my life nor did it echo around the house most of the time. I liked it, of course, I mean – Who doesn’t like Music? But my interest in it wasn’t as endearing as it is now.

The jungle Giants - live at the ANU bar 1/06/2012

A favorite band of mine, The jungle Giants – live at the ANU bar 1/06/2012 

During the last few years after that, Music started seeping into my life, it traveled slow but it was moving and I understood it more. Then slowly, it began to play a role in defining who I was and what I do. Never did Music become so important to me since then.

I think the slow progression of Music’s growth in me was my lack of exposure to it or at least to the correct kind. During the past years I’ve only listened to what’s on the radio and kept it that way for sometime, I’d frequently hear songs by Ne-Yo, B.o.B, Lady Gaga and some by the famous Justin Bieber. Then I’d surf the internet and see random lyric videos on Youtube, I checked those out and rarely did I hear one that was never played on the radio.

Two Door Cinema Club at Leeds Festival 2010

Another favorite band of mine – Two Door Cinema Club at Leeds Festival 2010 

Though it was seemingly hopeless for me, it suddenly changed. My brother had a stronger liking of songs before me and was most of the time searching for better ones, from him I knew more of it and listened and started to go in a search of my own.

In the years following, I knew more about bands, some I liked and some I didn’t, some were either famous or not, though most weren’t, they all had one thing in common – they were REAL. None used auto-tune nor did they overuse the power of technology to improve a song. Only their passion flowed and their hunger to create Music, which I felt that through their works. This is why I started to like Music so much, I found a meaning through their rhythms and lyrics. Somewhat similar to knowing one’s purpose here in the world, it was magnificent!

Music Note Bokeh

Music Note Bokeh (Photo credit: all that improbable blue)

My definition of Music? Well it’s a gift, a gift from God – a medium to which he could comfort us. For thousands of years Music was used to express grief and happiness or any other deep emotion, it spoke louder than words (literally) and infused imagery more than pictures would. Music to me is a form of transport, the kind that would take you into an abyss where all worries vanish, void of intolerance, depression, depreciation. This abyss, this realm Music brings a person is but the smallest possible fraction of what Heaven is. Music is an art, an expression. Music to me is an important tool to use in life, to learn and realize things that were never visible to us in our soundless worlds. And understanding Music is to understand life itself like books would make us understand the minds of its authors. Music is the only escape to the lies that hide from us, Music sets us free!

That my friends is my definition of Music, which I 100% brainstormed to seal it’s sincerity, to make it true. Also, according to a research, Music defines how you look at things and it alters your mood, so one piece of advice – pick wisely to what kind of Music you listen to, like objects in this earth and the things that my parents put me away from, not all are good. Thanks for reading guys!

What’s your definition of Music?

My mind is a desolate place

Mind the gap...

Mind the gap…

Have you ever been to a desert? Or at least seen one on those souvenir gift cards? Well that’s a basic image of what my mind is right now. Devoid of all color or bearable warmth, my mind is a desert. Imagine a retirement home with no patterned wall papers nor old folk to lighten up the atmosphere but a home of white and gray. My mind’s an unlit hearth diffusing nothing but an atrocious smell of burnt wood.


This is how my mind feels like.

Why is that? Well, I don’t know. My mind’s been dormant for a while now, though I try to access ideas in it none would open themselves to me, it’s been extremely blank and frustrating. Funny how my brain seems to refuse to work for me but itself, but aren’t we one in whole?

And the fact that I can’t conjure an interesting idea or story to share sucks, maybe I’m just a really boring person or the life I currently live doesn’t reap anything or maybe… maybe nothing at all.

But I do agree that my life’s been a wee bit unproductive and redundant and it’s chafing my patience. I’m sixteen and turning seventeen in a week and we all know that at this age (according to those older than me) a person finds who they are, I think that it really is true. I used to live a reclusive life as a younger teenager, boisterously living about not caring what I looked like, picking up random clothing and wearing anything just for the heck of it. And listening to whatever the radio plays and eat whatever mom and dad provides and compose what I do everyday with what is trending.

English: Last Dinosaurs Group Photo

My favorite band – Last Dinosaurs

But now? I actually care about my social life, about how I look; fashion , about what music I listen to and about the bands that created the music! About what I REALLY want, not what others want for me, I create myself! I find myself.

Though trying to combine all these wants and interests I find it slightly difficult to know the truth, the truth of what I really am. Time would only tell. I still have lots to go through like surviving college, living alone and tending to my own needs, decisions that require only myself to agree or disagree to, and to consent myself without my parents to back me up.

English: Phrenology diagram. From People's Cyc...

English: Phrenology diagram. From People’s Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge (1883).

I don’t know how it got to a teenager’s perception of change and the search for oneself, because I never really had an original idea at the first place, but I did get something to share at the end! ( Even though it popped out at the last minute )

Still though, I really hope I could come up with another idea next time. Well since you’ve reached this concluding paragraph, I’d like to thank you for it! Thanks for reading! And if you’re ever my age? I hope you got to realize a few things here. If not? Well, it’s hidden between the lines. I hope your wit deciphers the subtle messages behind it.

Well alright, Adios guys! [ Here’s a question – “Who” and “What” are you? ] Feel free to share your answer below ! 🙂

To keep intact with oneself is to keep an opinion of everything around you, to have your say about things to hold on to curiosity and feel the need to know more than what your mom or dad or teachers say is correct. Somehow I feel we should all think with a mind of a Scientist, conveying truths and weighing down experimented results and end with a hypothesis to fight for. A post of a great friend of mine, much of a brother, shares a true fact of it. You must read it!


Pinag-iisipan pa ba yan? This is a phrase I often hear everywhere. This is Filipino for “Do we have to think about it?” Well, do we really have to think about it, whatever it may be? I believe that we do, because all activity involves thought. Asking whether or not do we think about it makes thinking sound like a strenuous task when it in fact must come naturally to us Humans.

We are after all rational creatures and rational means we can reason. How can we reason without thought? Surely we cannot. Having said so, people who claim thought to be an errand requiring a great deal of vigour somehow fail to live up to their basic human reputation of being rational and are therefore less human. They degrade themselves to weak-minded human beings, if not irrational.

This mindset is the mindset of the ignorant. They refuse to subject their minds to the world…

View original post 359 more words

Questions Wednesday ( 1 ) – Why do people hate?

I thought of starting a “series” – Questions Wednesday –  just to get my blog going and following the right track most bloggers follow and also to clear up a few questions that I ask during my day to day life. So by sharing these questions every week, not only do I let YOU guys participate and question yourselves as well, I also get to free myself from doubts and open up to newer points of views! So feel free to join in and share your own thoughts! 

Question for today? Why do people hate!?

I’m not a psychologist or anything but as human as I am I do have a few plausible reasons to why people hate. I’m not much of a hateful person really but I do experience small doses of it, I think it’s a healthy dose that helps to separate the goods and wrongs. I mean, if you didn’t hate anyone how would you know who to trust? or who to follow by? right? But that hate usually dissipates in time and I hate no one!

I think people hate for a few things just go against their moral code which by the way is the only reason to why people hate, that I know of. But let’s dig in deeper. What about put in some example?

Justin Bieber. First, this is my second mention of his name in my blog, so Justin if you’re reading this which most probably you aren’t , you’re lucky to be in one of my blogs.

Alright, Justin. Why do people hate Justin? He doesn’t really go against any of our codes of conduct, why do people hate him then? I guess the kind of hate I was trying to ask about is this kind, where unnecessary hate is brought upon random people like Justin. I just don’t get it.

So let me rephrase the question, Why do people hate RANDOM PEOPLE FOR NO REASON? I cannot form an answer plausible enough to even be one! So I’ll be leaving this question to you guys!

I may have the basic perception of to why hatred is formed, but this type? I have no idea.

Another sub question, Why can’t people forgive those they hate? hmm..

Explain away guys! Share your thoughts on all these!

I.V.A.N – What’s in a name?

Inspired by the original idea by saved in drafts, I will try to find what my name contains and from that know its meaning, here is her post.

So my name’s Ivan, and to that let’s see what each word in it could ever describe myself. ( according to me )

I – ngenious

I could say I am fairly ingenious, I’ve caught myself in numerous accounts of creating ideas unique to the eyes of others. One time I wrote a poem about my brother and sister, mom considered it ingenious, and a few times was I praised for drawing and painting well ( I do these ), and at most times complimented for a “well written” blog.

V – ery cool

Coolness I believe is leveled by one’s own mind, so I could tell myself now that I am the lamest person in the world and I would be just what I say to myself. And from that piece, I can say I am very cool, actually just cool. Very starts with V and cool doesn’t, so cool is like a prefix to very. I guess I’m cool in such a way that I am not considered to be arrogant or narcissistic, just cool. Think of ice, just as cool as that.Chill.

A – ffable

Affable, another word for genial, cordial, amiable, basically friendly, to be even more specific “diffusing warmth and friendliness” – I judged this part of my name by the faces I’ve encountered whenever I meet a new person, and I can say I am truly affable. A few even tell me themselves “You’re such a good person” “It was fun hanging out with you” “You’re a nice guy” evidence is suffice!

N – eutral

Neutral. Meaning that I’m on either side of anything. Let’s put into example Justin Bieber, most people hate him and almost an equal amount like him. But to me? He’s just another person. I neither like him or dislike him. I prefer to be neutral and keep any of my negative or positive POVs to myself unless if doing so would do no help and would be better to blurt it out.

Well here you have it, the meaning of my name according to me! Why not YOU try it out! I found out a few things of myself that I never consciously knew myself, so if you are wanting to know who you are this will definitely do the job.


A Letter to my past self

A short letter to an older version of myself. The thirteen year old version. I chose him to be my past self for it was in that age did I start to commit most of my mistakes and experience fitful moments of a lighter dose of depression.

Dear Ivan,

To write to oneself may be easy, but to run back to the pasts that one severely hates is painfully hard as removing The Sword in the stone or getting a gash from a dragon’s claw. But it is what I will do. 

Before even attempting to form the first lines of this letter I first searched Google.com for a simple tutorial on how to write it. I’ve passed by one and was as simple as simplicity could limit itself and effectively re-lit that torch of information that hid behind the crevices of my brain.The purpose of this letter is to grant the challenge I’ve set upon myself to compose a letter to my past self. Even though my past self has long been banished and renewed I still want to imagine that you, my past self that existed four years ago, still exists. Though tempting it is to reveal all that has happened I would make this easy for you to read and simplify the small things you hated and reveal to you the benefits that it has brought.

Ivan, I would like to first tell you that you have been such a reclusive fellow and If I were to speak to you in person and not through letter, I may have to punish you for it. But even though I appreciate your efforts of searching ways to overcome your dense lack of belief in who you are, and I can gladly tell you, it has not come to waste.

I know that trying everything and mastering each one has become your main goal, but I advice that you pick one, harness it, hone it and become it. For a wise man would not want to be a Jack of all trades, but a Master of none. Even so, I am glad that your future hasn’t turned that way, but it did take an awful lot of things to give you that one option to choose. 

Though you have committed numerous of unintentional mistakes, caught into many accounts of immature ominousness against your siblings and habitual skulking. I would never wished that you never had done it, for those flaws is what came to the forming of me, my current self, and the decision of writing to you, myself. I still regret that you unknowingly plucked your miniature pimples, it did a great deal of damage to my self consciousness at the present and is still slightly insecure, but to what I see – I still believe there is hope.

Thank you for reaching the conclusion of this letter, Ivan. And I expect that you be as you are but it is too late for that, but still. I do have good news for you though, you will turn out very well in the following years, just take each downfall as another opportunity to learn and you will turn out well, and I am 110% sure. And stop thinking about your fat belly, you’ll lose it all when you gain some inches. 

Yours sincerely,

Ivan – yourself